The quality management system of the projecting is performed through the international standards and confirmed by the ISO 9001 Certificate.
Experience in designing the complex and responsible facilities, the introduction of advanced programs and technologies, cooperation with the leading manufacturers of power equipment – all this allows us to quickly transform difficult tasks into the optimal solutions.
The analysis of the perspective development plans of the networks, calculating their static and dynamic stability, together with the calculations of emergency and repair modes and short circuit currents, allow us to accurately determine the parameters of the main equipment, provide the necessary equipment and the optimum value of the Customer's facilities. Additionally, we carry out all the necessary calculations and develop the measures to ensure the necessary quality of electricity following the regional standards.
The introduction of modern project technologies allowed us to make the process more observant and dynamic. BIM modelling technology allows not only to obtain a complete visualization of the object with a step-by-step construction plan, to reduce the time of development of the project documentation, but also to minimize the difference between the planned and actual construction costs.