At the commission of "Zakhidenergo" OJSC, SOYUZ Corporation has performed, together with "ALSTOM-POWER" LPC, the first in Ukraine pilot project: "Reconstruction and technical re-equipment of power unit No. 7 of Burshtyn CHP", including:
reconstruction of turbogenerator low-pressure cylinder;
reconstruction of the turbine hydraulic control;
reconstruction of turbogenerator oil system.
As a result of works, in particular due to the reconstruction of the turbine low-pressure cylinder (LPC), there were achieved the following turbogenerator performance:
electrical capacity gain of 12.5 MW as compared to rated capacity (200 MW);
efficiency ratio of turbine LPC wheelspace is 89%;
decrease of the turbine specific heat (gross) up to 120 kcal/kW/h compared to the results of tests conducted before commence of the turbine LPC reconstruction.