In 2022, Soyuz Corporation entered into the agreement with NPC Ukrenergo for the "Implementation of the set of work on the reconstruction of 750 kV Khmelnytska NPP-Rzeszow OHL with the transfer to 400 kV voltage with the reconstruction of 750 kV OSG of SD “Khmelnytska NPP and the installation of 750/400 kV AT". The work was carried out jointly with the Polish transmission system operator PSE to enable the electricity generated by the Ukrainian power system to be transferred to the European Union.
The modernised 750 kV Khmelnytska NPP – Rzeszow OHL, a powerful interstate power transmission line between Poland and Ukraine, has successfully passed a three-day test on 27 April 2023. Its launch will increase Ukraine's electricity export potential by 25-30%. The line will operate in synchronous mode, meaning that all participants in the Ukrainian and European markets will have access to it.
The completion term is 2023.